Through projects we will preserve our beloved climbing areas while educating our members on environmental stewardship and activism. Be on the lookout for the next AJC "trail cleanup day" or "trail maintenance day".
Rock Garden rebuild
In 2019 a group of climbers got together with the Jasper Trail Alliance to do a much needed "care day" at the Rock Gardens, one of jaspers most historic crags. Over 60 hours were put in by 19 volunteers, creating 2 new large belay platforms and upgrading other belay stances. The Improvements are much appreciated by the greater climbing community and the initiative was truly heart warming. Our goal is to keep the ball rolling with crag up keeps to make the climbing in Jasper more safe and enjoyable each year!
Syncline ridge trail
We have another project in the works with the Jasper Trail Alliance. The trail up to Syncline Ridge is currently very braided and unclear, causing more environmental impact on the sensitive area than necessary. We would like to establish a more obvious trail that leads directly to the wall to clarify the path for climbers and allow regrowth in the surrounding areas.
Youth Climbing Club
An opportunity for Jasper youth (grade 10-12) to build the physical and mental skills to become better climbers. Register and find more information about the youth Team!